We have moved to…

Co-production Network for Wales

Thanks to all your hard work we now have Lottery funding and paid staff! The link above will take you to the new Co-pro Network site – and to a pile of resources, events, membership forms, case-studies and the monthly newsletter.

Please join the Network and help us achieve our collective goal:

Social justice, and the permanent shift of power from state to citizens. Nothing less.

As individuals we are relatively powerless. Collectively we are unstoppable.

Co-production Wales (All in this Together) was set up by Ruth Dineen & Noreen Blanluet as a voluntary alliance of individuals and organisations with a shared mission: to build on the best of our traditions of cooperation and community to transform Wales into a society that places co-production principles at the heart of its public services, its communities, and the lives of its citizens. The Co-production Network for Wales grew out of this ambition and has now taken over from Co-pro Wales.


